20 Things Farmiliar Spirits Do and How to Obtain Deliverance

Familiar spirits are demonic creatures that serve as power base of satan. They are so named because they are familiar with you, your thought-patterns, your life, business, movement and manners. Familiar is the same root word where we get the word 'family.' or familiarity.

  1. Familiar spirit run in blood lines and mediate family curses, generational curses or ancestral hiccups.
  2. Familiar spirits can masquerade, camouflage or mimic people who are alive or dead--either in the natural or dream state.
  3. They are the spirit of departed ancestors responsible for reincarnation, birth marks and omens.
  4. Familiar spirits are responsible for apparitions, bleeding statues or religious objects and shrines.
  5. Familiar spirit is the spirit behind divination, palmistry, psychics, fortune-telling and demonic prophesies.
  6. Familiar spirits are the spirit behind necromancy or consulting the spirit of the dead.
  7. Familiar spirits are responsible for haunted houses, parks, arenas, auditoriums and environments (territorial spirits).
  8. They are the spirit of spiritual prostitutes of incubus and succubus (spirit husband and spirit wife).
  9. Familiar spirits are the evil spirit behind failures, disappointments, defeat, destruction and degradation.
  10. They are responsible for spirit surge which is a spirit of failure at the verge of breakthroughs.
  11. Familiar spirits are responsible for mediating inherited or genetic diseases that run in the bloodline or pedigree.
  12. Familiar spirit is responsible for the spirit of poverty, wretchedness, lack, debt and insufficiency.
  13. Familiar spirits are responsible for marital disharmony, discord, separation and divorce.
  14. Witches and wizards use familiar spirit in their diabolical activities, domination and manipulation.
  15. Familiar spirit is responsible for sudden, premature and untimely deaths.
  16. Familiar spirit is the spirit behind violence, tragedies, senseless killings, looting and wanton destruction.
  17. Familiar spirit is the old spirit of idolatry, religion, false cults, the occult, ouija boards, tarot cards, seances and other spiritual deceptions. They are the spirits behind incantations, enchantments, charms, amulets, spells, hexes, stigmas, vexes and yokes.
  18. They are also the spirit behind charismatic witchcraft. Charismatic witchcraft is a subtle kind of pentecostal witchcraft which is rooted in the fallen nature of man. Here there is subtle manipulation, intimidation, domination and control.
  19. They are the spirits responsible for telekinesis, clairvoyance, clairaudience, levitation, astral travel and astral projection.
  20. Everything God has--especially the gifts, satan also has his own counterfeit. Familiar spirit is the force responsible for false or demonic tongues, false light and false revelation and use of spiritual gifts.
Deliverance from familiar spirits involves persistent praying the word in tongues and applying the 5 weapons that do not fail: the name of Jesus Christ, the blood of Jesus, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God and the instrument of Praise and Worship.

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