26 Deliverance Check List to Know if You Need Personal Deliverance

You don't need to know about demons to be oppressed, harassed, tormented or posessed by them. Demons are no respecter of persons and nobody can outgrow spiritual warfare. Once demons see a loophole or legal ground, they take it, regardless of your Christian faith, title or position.

Do I need deliverance? If you are experiencing any of the following, then you may need deliverance ministration...
  1. Spiritual attacks, bad dreams (nightmares and night terrors), oppressions, torments, stanglehold and unexplained burdens and yokes.
  2. Constant failure (failure is a spirit), disappointments, rejections, and chronic 'bad luck.'
  3. Your money and valuables disappearing explanation. If you are working like elephant and eating like a rat, something is wrong.
  4. Chronic sickness, sudden organ failure, incurable  and terminal diseases that has defied doctors expertise even after trying naturopaths, nutrition and alternative medicine.
  5. Series of broken engagements, constant marital tensions, multiple divorces and late marriages.
  6. Sensation of strange objects moving or crawling in your body, feeling oppressed and harrased in your sleep.
  7. You have insatiable sexual appetite, pornography addiction, sexual perversions and sexual problems.
  8. Fear and nervousness that has no basis, panic attacks, anxiety, depression and nervous breakdown.
  9. Hearing strange voices, delusions, hallucinations, and being chased around in your sleep.
  10. Dedicated to an idol, shrine or goddess; given demonic names, or are involved in witcraft or occultism.
  11. You often feel dejected, insecurity and inferiority complex; confusion, depression and self-pity.
  12. Poverty, lack, inadequacy, debt, financial embarrassment, job loss and business failures.
  13. Constant attacks of death, tragedy, catastrophe, and accidents in your life or family.
  14. Unexplained infertility (barrenness), unfruitfulness, miscarriages, impotence and low sperm count.
  15. Repeated afflictions and wastages, forced abortions, and unexplanable losses.
  16. Curses (punishment), ungodly cycles and patterns, ungodly soul ties, stigmas, hexes, vexes, jinxes and yokes.
  17. Obsessions and addictions of all kinds--drugs, alcohol, cigarrette, sex, pornography, food, etc.
  18. Bad dreams and nightmares, sleep-walking, bed-wetting, spirit travels.
  19. Setbacks, retrogression, stagnation and running around in circles. Feels as if you are spinning your wheels or that your fuse is always broken. Seems you're against an invisible barrier or glass ceiling.
  20. Getting engaged, having sex, getting married or even having babies in the dream (spirit realm).
  21. Eating, drinking, flying, swimming in the dream or seeing large bodies of water in dream state.
  22. Experiencing financial problems, and challenges, heavy debts, poverty, wretchedness and lack.
  23. Difficulties in getting jobs, contracts or businesses and constant examination failures despite adequate preparations.
  24. Dreaming of climbing mountains, stairs or ladders without getting to the top.
  25. Inexplainable sicknesses, diseases, infirmities or problems..
  26. And any other unusual and unexplainable experiences or phenomenon

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