How to Obtain Deliverance

Understanding Deliverance:

Deliverance means freedom, liberation, victory, breakthroughs and miracle of turnaround for the better.

Jesus Christ came to set the captives free. "For this reason, the works of the Son of man is made manifest that He may destroy the works of the devil." Deliverance is reversal of curses, bondages, chains, shackles, strongholds, strangle holds, abortion aftermath, traumas, divorces, rape aftermath, captivity, slavery, failure, defeat, poverty, wretchedness, debt, lack, insufficiency, death and degradation. And all the undercover works of the devil because Jesus came to liberate us from all evil works.

The battle for freedom stands out when you examine the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. The kingdom of God uses light to set people free while the kingdom of darkness strives to enslave, ensnare and entrap people and put them in all sorts of bondage while blind-folding them.

Weapons for deliverance:
  • The name of Jesus Christ, the name that gives us victory and spells defeat to the kingdom of darkness.
  • The Blood of Jesus Christ, conquered satan and his demonic cohorts while giving us protection and victory.
  • The Anointing of the Holy Spirit, the fire power and unction to function that breaks every yoke of bondage.
  • The Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit. Jesus defeated satan with the spoken Word.
  • Instrument of Praise and Worship--deliverance songs that enthrones Jehovah God, the man of war.
  • Giving God an offering as the Holy Ghost directs is an arrow of God for your deliverance.
  • Prayer (praying the word, and praying in the Spirit) and Fasting to solidify your spirit and bring the flesh under to generate enough fire power to break bondages.
What to Do Before Deliverance Prayers:

Be broken before God. Ask God for forgiveness, forgive yourself and others. Repent of your sins and shortcomings. Rededicate yourself to God and his covenant promises to you. Meditate and listen for Rhema word or divine instructions from the Lord. You need a revelation knowledge and clear cut direction to pray with precision.

Two Methods of Deliverance:
  • Truth Encounter--When you know the truth, the truth shall set you free. Every life is a history. Just like a doctor takes a detailed history of an illness in order to arrive at accurate diagnosis. You go into history of backgrounds and foundations, circumstances of birth, home environment, upbringing, family patterns, ungodly cycles, relationships, covenants, contact, tarot cards, palm reading, playing with Ouija board, consulting psychics, reading occult books, sorcery, magic spells, horoscopes, contamination, occult involvement, cults, lodges, white garment churches, demonic entry points and doorways, besetting sins, habits, conducts, attitudes, dreams, religions, gangs, syndicates, drugs, armed robbery, prostitution.
  • Power Encounter--This is the use of a kind of commanding authority. Authority is the right to exercise power under the inspiration and direction of the Holy Ghost. This is deliverance under heavy anointing of the Holy Ghost. Power gifts of healings goes with deliverance anointing. Especially with a minister that operate in a greater dimension of deliverance grace which usually comes with healing virtue. Some ministers are more anointed than others by reason of gifting, longevity or experience in this area. Your pastor may be a good pastor but lacks anointing in this area to break the kind of yoke or bondage by heavy duty demons. Here, there may not be time to ask a lot of questions. The heavy dose of power can stir, agitate and provoke the demons into manifestation so that they can be cast out.
  • Combination of Both Power and Truth--Most often, a typical deliverance session may involve the combination of power encounter and revelation knowledge of the truth about the whole situation. Sometimes after going through a series of deliverance course of study, you are then ready for power encounter during ministration. Don't rely heavily on getting information from demons. Remember they can lie. Depend on the leadership and direction of the Holy Spirit.
The Three Kinds of Deliverance:
  1. Personal Deliverance--This is a do-it-yourself without a third party or minister. It's done through prayer, faith confessions and fasting--and more!
  2. Guided deliverance ministration by a minister or prayer warrior
  3. Mass Deliverance (Prayers and Confessions of victory in a congregation setting)
Deliverance--Putting it All Together:

Some deliverance is one time event. Others takes series of deliverance sessions. Note that it is easy to obtain than to maintain. Working in the light of your deliverance is necessary so that you don't entangle yourself again in demonic bondage. You can lose your deliverance if you go back and keep sinning and your state may be worst than before according to the Scripture. Most often, the preambles of truth encounter also involve teaching people how to keep their deliverance and move on to higher grounds of victory. You also have to understand purpose and walk in your destiny, "for deliverance without direction is deception."

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