Can A Christian Have a Demon?

The answer may surprise you if you are a theorist. Yes, absolutely. A Christian can have a demon regardless of the fact that it may be oppression, obsession, depression, possession or torments.

Many Christian theorists have argued that a Christian can't have or be possessed by a demon. I want to tell you that 10 theorist cannot match one person with experience. And the man with theory is at the mercy of the man with experience. Here are the assertions and submissions of the theorists who go for the ideal rather than the real:
  • That the Holy Spirit cannot live in one temple with a demon. These people have forgotten that the body have different compartments and that spirits are not restricted to matter and space as in the physical realm.
  • That light has no communication with darkness. They forget that sin and iniquity can give the enemy a legal ground to operate regardless of your outer confession of faith and that even satan himself can masquerade as an angel of light; so is his fallen angels or demons.
  • People forget to fortify their spirits and stay strong in the Lord in prayer by fortifying the aura around them. Otherwise, if you break the hedge, a serpent will bite. It could even be fear, doubt, lust, stinking thinking, unbelief, and anger which may open demonic doorway for oppression and housekeeping.
  • Regardless of whether the demons operate from inside or outside, the results and devastation is still the same and deliverance is needed to expunge them.
If you are seeking deliverance and you come across a minister who makes the above arguments. Ask him how many people he has delivered. Please run if he says things like: "Oh, it's the word, I don't believe in deliverance stuff; just confess the word. Or, I don't believe that a Christian can have a demon and the host of other arguments that give people a false sense of security. This has produced spiritual casualties of war because demons love such ignorant ministers who help their undercover work undetected. One third of Jesus ministry was casting out demons and anything less is denying the work of the kingdom against forces of darkness.

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